Jestli ses neprepsal a skutečně se jedná o B
966, tak ten se v čechách uúpravený nikdy neprodával, takže není upravený.
Ale dle téhle stránky (pokud je to stejný produkt - [img] - [/img] jedná o verzi specielně pro EU a má Ka 34,0 a 34,3 - takže pokud jde vše ostatní vypnout, tak je to OK
Beltronics Target 966 Radar Detector
Technical Specifications
* New detector especially developed for European users.
* Radar detector consisting of some components for constant installation and separate display inside the cockpit for discreet warnings.
* Separate Radar scanner for discreet positioning in caržs front.
* Separate display for your preferred position inside the cockpit.
* City / Highway mode.
* Different display and acoustic warnings for radar and laser.
* Automatic / manual mute-function.
* Volume control.
* High density dot-display.
* Total tracking (optional) laser.
* Digital signal processing and digital signal strength meter.
* 360° radar and (optional) laser detection.
* Ku-Band: 13.450 Ghz.
* K-Band: 24.125, 24.150 GHz.
* Ka-Band: 34.000, 34.300, 34.700 GHz.
* Super-Ka: 33,4 - 36,0 Ghz.
* Microstrip mixer.
* Undetectable by VG-2.
* Fundamental mixer technology for increased detection range.
* Ultra low noise oscillator for fewer false alerts.
* Quartz resonator for increased frequency detection.
* Dim and dark mode for display.
* Self test function when getting started.
* Memory-function to save preferred settings.
* Instruction manual.
Pokud je to však tohle - [img][/img]tak má? smůlu