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PříspěvekNapsal: pon 12. led 2009 00:01:00 
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Registrován: pát 16. úno 2007 01:00:00
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Bydliště: Bezdomovec
nano píše:
What i just was thinking of: Is the new law in CZ already in force, which makes a execution about traffic penaltys up to 70? in the entire EU possible??
You can find the law abstract here:žuri=OJ:L:2005:076:0016:0030:CS:PDF

I think it is on force.

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PříspěvekNapsal: pon 12. led 2009 17:56:00 

Registrován: sob 10. led 2009 01:00:00
Příspěvky: 14
shwaara píše:
I think it is on force.

Do you know since when?? Any news reports on the web??

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PříspěvekNapsal: pon 12. led 2009 18:02:00 
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Registrován: pát 16. úno 2007 01:00:00
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Bydliště: Bezdomovec
I've found out two notices.
The first says that the rule should be accepted in 2009. Source was euroscop, I think.
The second one say it was accepted in 2006 (web of Parliament).
Both sources are high relevant, so I'm little bit confused. But one thing is sure, one of these information is wrong :-)

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PříspěvekNapsal: pon 12. led 2009 19:46:00 

Registrován: sob 10. led 2009 01:00:00
Příspěvky: 14
nano píše:
msp_x píše:
We probably won't help you more since multanovas are not used in CZ.

OK!! I thought i saw some videos with multanovas from you guys, but maybe I missunderstood something!!

Just found the video again, which I meant:

The user "ridicBOB" should be from CZ, if you could believe his profil details:

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PříspěvekNapsal: pon 12. led 2009 19:53:00 
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Registrován: pát 16. úno 2007 01:00:00
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Bydliště: Bezdomovec
Yes, RidicBob is our friend, but he met this Multanova in Austria ("Multanova v Rakousku") so we don't have much experiences with Multanova.
But nice video :-)

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PříspěvekNapsal: pon 12. led 2009 20:19:00 

Registrován: sob 10. led 2009 01:00:00
Příspěvky: 14
shwaara píše:
Yes, RidicBob is our friend, but he met this Multanova in Austria ("Multanova v Rakousku")

This explains a lot!! :D
Rakousku = Austria :roll:

Now i looked twice at the video and was able to read: "Frische Steinpilze - 50m" which means "fresh porcino [hřib] in 50 metres"!!

shwaara píše:
But nice video :-)

I agree with that and it's proof enough to me, that the 975e works perfect against Multanova AND in Austria.
So i guess ridicROB hasn't used a cone?? Is he at this forum?? Maybe he can say some words to the 975e against Austrian Multanovas!!

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PříspěvekNapsal: pon 12. led 2009 20:40:00 
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Registrován: pát 16. úno 2007 01:00:00
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Bydliště: Bezdomovec
RodicBob certainly didn't use any cone:) He is a member of this forum, you can find him in a member list (seznam uživatelů) above.

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PříspěvekNapsal: pon 12. led 2009 23:12:00 

Registrován: sob 10. led 2009 01:00:00
Příspěvky: 14
shwaara píše:
RodicBob certainly didn't use any cone:) He is a member of this forum, you can find him in a member list (seznam uživatelů) above.

Just sent him a message!!

Following your link in your signature i found out, that you're still selling LT400.
Do you know if there is a jammed message on any lasergun??

I was told in the LI forum, that LT causes a jammed on the Riegl LR235-90. Which i couldn't really believe, because there are a lot of LT400s in Austria and Germany used and there was never a problem with this lasergun. Maybe Riegl did a software update??

Which types of laserguns are used in CZ??

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PříspěvekNapsal: pon 12. led 2009 23:24:00 
I´ve many experiences with Multanova in Austria and in Germany. I use 975e + V1 (always actual version) + RX65e and I had always excelent detection. Never any problems...

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PříspěvekNapsal: pon 12. led 2009 23:24:00 
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Registrován: pát 16. úno 2007 01:00:00
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Bydliště: Bezdomovec
The company in my link is not mine, I'm just satisfied customer. So circumstances about LT400 would say you Robert from the company (or somebody else from this forum).
Laser guns in CZ: LTI and PLIII. Exect specification maybe supply another member of this forum.

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PříspěvekNapsal: pon 12. led 2009 23:27:00 
nano píše:
Which types of laserguns are used in CZ??

Practically only ProLaser3 and LTI 20-20 125pps. Town police in Prague use one TraffiPatrolXR in VW Transporter. And that´s all. ;)

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PříspěvekNapsal: pon 12. led 2009 23:29:00 

Registrován: sob 10. led 2009 01:00:00
Příspěvky: 14
I think it's better if we go on with the diskussion in public:

@řidič BOB
Have you made some more videos with your 975e against Multanova??

Is the 975e a lot better than the V1, against Multanova??

řidič BOB píše:
I´ve many experiences with Multanova in Austria and in Germany. I use 975e + V1 (always actual version) + RX65e and I had always excelent detection. Never any problems...

Can you specify this a bit more?? What was your average range??
Which is your favourite on our Multanova??

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PříspěvekNapsal: pon 12. led 2009 23:36:00 
No, I don´t have more videos. :-( Very often I´m in a hurry :D
My favourite detector with standard very good detection is 975e. This detector is the most sensitive... Very comfrotable is also hidden assembly.
I don´t remember every range against Multanova in A or D, but I can say, that it´s more than 250m with 975e.

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PříspěvekNapsal: úte 13. led 2009 19:09:00 

Registrován: sob 10. led 2009 01:00:00
Příspěvky: 14
řidič BOB píše:
My favourite detector with standard very good detection is 975e. This detector is the most sensitive...

Thanks for your opinion!!

I'm giving 975e a chance and will test him against our radars!!

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PříspěvekNapsal: pát 16. led 2009 01:30:00 
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Registrován: stř 25. říj 2006 00:00:00
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Bydliště: Praha
Hi there, it is nice to see here someone from foreign country! Welcome here!

Just few hints:

975e is definitely newer hardware than 966R. The sensitivity at 34,3GHz is much better with 975e. Can switch all bands on and off again and extended horn will bring of course much better sensitivity than without the horn. I have tested this like two years ago with Valentine One and the results were great. My antena was about 12cm long??? do not remember but it is somewhere here on the phorum. There was like 100% gain in the distance of the detection so great diference... I did not notice any higher false allerts count and if I remember right there was incredibely lower falsing with this added extension.

Yesterday I got the email where Target Automotive offered me his own solution of aditional horn. The only problem is that the horn increase the size of the antenna a lot and after that it is quite difficult to fit this solution into different types of cars...

Here is the picture: As you can see there is also ability tomount the detector facing down and spare some place...

--- Výbava: PROTECTOR II 960cz, AntiLaser ALP QUAD ---

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