shwaara píše:
OK, could you briefly summarize ways of speed maesurement including frequences in Austria? thx
Well, this is really briefly answered: Multanova 6F, f=34,36 GHz
In some areas of Austria there are still some Traffipax microspeeds which uses the Ku Band on 13,450 GHz. But only stationary and these types are really rare. I guess maybe 5 in entire Austria.
edit: I forgot about Siemens ERS400 on the K Band. But thes radars are just used stationary and also not on the highway. For these radar it's better to use Radar POIs (like, instead of turning on the K band and live with a lot of false alarms.
So if you are just driving with Ka Band on, you will be fine. On the highway there are just Multanovas.
Laserguns are ~99% LTI 20.20 Marksman. If you are really lucky you can find LTI Ultralyte, Riegl LR 90-235/P, Riegl FG21-P.
But at the moment there is a test going on from our traffic department, which is testing the light barrier "Eso ES3.0" and the laser system PoliscanSpeed from Vitronic.
The ES3.0 can't be detected or jammed by any device. The detection range against PoliscanSpeed is very high, but this system can also not be jammed.
What i just was thinking of: Is the new law in CZ already in force, which makes a execution about traffic penaltys up to 70? in the entire EU possible??
You can find the law abstract here:žuri=OJ:L:2005:076:0016:0030:CS:PDFNaposledy upravil nano dne ne leden 11, 2009 10:59 pm, celkově upraveno 1 krát.